Chiquila Dolison, The Lincoln Road Campus
Chiquila Dolison, The Lincoln Road Campus

Chiquila Dolison, The Lincoln Road Campus

May 9, 2024

I am a small-town woman from Bassfield, MS, raised in the church by my maternal grandparents, Bill and Lula Mae Thompson, and my mother, Clories Thompson. Church was a regular part of my life, sometimes all day on Sundays and throughout the week. So, I loved and enjoyed being active in the church from childhood to adulthood but didn’t realize until life experiences in adulthood how much I was going through the motions without a real relationship with God. I wasn’t ready for the ebbs and flows of motherhood, from becoming pregnant to an emergency C-section to Raylan being in the hospital a week after his birth, to his health concerns, to simply navigating life with a child. Still, I prepared and consistently sought God and the community for guidance with motherhood. It took significant life events such as my divorce in the Spring of 2018, the removal of a gastrointestinal stromal tumor in the Fall of 2018, and becoming a single mom to my son who was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD combined in the Fall of 2019, completing my doctoral journey in Spring 2021 all while working as a staff member of Venture Church and still recovering from the lingering effects of Covid-19 on our lives here in 2024…BUT GOD! 

Motherhood has challenged and propelled my faith through all the events mentioned and more. I wanted to run away and start over afresh more times than I would like to admit, but being surrounded by a strong praying community of believers has assisted with my motherhood journey and increased my faith. Witnessing the struggles and achievements of my mom and others like my mom has been a catalyst for my single motherhood journey. I’ve learned and experienced the truth of God’s words, His promises, His faithfulness, and His presence.  

Even in the best and worst seasons of motherhood, I’m learning to be like God in the way He parents His children. No, there is no specific parenting book for your specific child, but The Bible offers guidance on raising any child through the example of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. God loves us unconditionally. Accepting Jesus Christ into our lives allows for a relationship with The Father, God. The Holy Spirit is our advocate.  

Children are a constant and sweet reminder of God. Even as an adult, Raylan reminds me of the importance of enjoying life to the full while living abundantly, embracing the discomforts of life (sometimes gracefully and other times not so much), being present in each moment, enjoying the simple things of life, and willingly say yes to all that God has for us. No, motherhood is not easy, but it is so worth it! When you realize that God’s plans are so much bigger and better than you can even think, dream, or imagine, you let go and let God have His way. You trust Him with every detail of your life, including your children, and know that “It Is Well” even when reality, most times, doesn’t align with your plans. 

In summary, recent re-baptism on Reclaimed Weekend was one of the moments in which the Holy Spirit led me to do something uncomfortable yet be obedient as my son needed to witness life change and the newness of life as I am his prominent example of life walked hand in hand with Jesus Christ that he can observe daily.