Karen Carlisle, The Gulf Coast Campus
Karen Carlisle, The Gulf Coast Campus

Karen Carlisle, The Gulf Coast Campus

May 3, 2024

Motherhood for me is one of my greatest blessings and has had a profound impact on my faith. I knew early in my life that I wanted to be a mother someday. God blessed us with a beautiful baby girl, Lauren. Then 4 years later, our sweet baby boy, Layton, came along. I consider them to be my greatest accomplishments! They have enriched and filled my life with so much joy and purpose. Watching them grow up before our eyes has been the most rewarding experience ever and a constant reminder of the faithfulness of God. As far as motherhood impacting my faith - I simply don't know how anyone can raise children without God in their hearts and household. I sure don't know how I would have managed without depending on God, especially during the hard, teenage years. Honestly, I prayed for help and guidance daily while raising them both. My faith brought me through many difficult times when I felt like I was in over my head or I wasn’t enough. Looking back on years past, I can see how God was with us all along the way leading and guiding me. 

Today, as Lauren and Layton are all grown and married with wonderful spouses and families of their own, God has now abundantly blessed me with the role of Grandmother to three precious grandchildren. They are my world these days, and I couldn't ask for more. I am so blessed and forever thankful!

- Karen Carlisle, The Gulf Coast Campus