New Self

New Self

Author: Katherine Pittman
Feb 13, 2024 | Ephesians 4:25-32

Head: Know God's Word | Heart: Love God | Hands: Follow God's Way  

Read Ephesians 4:25-32 


Before we study this passage, I’d like to give you background on what we’ll focus on today. At the beginning of Ephesians Chapter 4, Paul begins giving instructions on unity within the body of Christ which is the Church. Then, he moves on to discuss living a life that’s different from those not following Christ by putting on a “new self”, made new by the Holy Spirit. The passage we’re reading today gives specific commands on how to live in this “new self” and walk by the Spirit. Paul deals with how we should and should not treat others. Re-read this passage a few times to take it all in and maybe make a list of the things Paul says by dividing them into “do” and “do not”.  


Paul isn’t just mentioning these things so we'll have good behavior. He’s getting at the heart behind these things, a heart that is changed by Christ. See Verse 32. The heart behind the list of “do” and “do not” is being a person who’s kind, compassionate, forgiving, and aware that the forgiveness received in Christ is not earned or based on personal merit. Living with these Holy Spirit-powered characteristics means that in our “new self” we avoid lying, being given over to anger, using foul language, or stealing something that doesn’t belong to us.  


Take time as a family to commit Ephesians 4:32 to memory. Also, take time to do some personal evaluation of your actions and reflect on the kind of heart your actions reveal. Talk through this as a family, giving time for input and questions. Moms and Dads, it’s always helpful to use ourselves as an example and show our children that we all need to evaluate our actions in light of how Christ calls us to live.   

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Your ways are good. Thank you for giving us examples in scripture of how we should treat others. Help us to have kind, compassionate, and forgiving hearts toward the people we come in contact with. Help us to always remember that You gave us salvation as a gift and forgiveness by your mercy and grace so that we do not become prideful. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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