The Littleton Family, The Gulf Coast Campus
The Littleton Family, The Gulf Coast Campus

The Littleton Family, The Gulf Coast Campus

Oct 10, 2023

My husband and I grew up 800 miles apart, but our faith journeys are relatively similar. We both credit our grandmothers with introducing us to church, so when we started dating it felt natural to make church a priority. Lucas was stationed at the Naval base in Gulfport, and I had been living in Hattiesburg for nursing school. We started “Venture hopping” between Lincoln Road & the Gulf Coast Campus. Shortly after getting married, Lucas was scheduled for deployment. We both vividly remember Craig’s sermon on a husband and wife only being as close to each other as they are to God- and it was that sermon that helped us get through being separated by an ocean during our first year of marriage. Lucas watched Church Online every Sunday, and we utilized Venture’s Bible Reading Plan & Daily Devos to help us grow closer to God and closer to each other. Since Luke’s been home, we now call the Gulf Coast Campus home. We’ve joined a House Church and the Financial Care group and have started serving with KXP and MVMNT. Our favorite Venture moment, however, was the day we were baptized together - Blake baptizing Lucas & then Lucas baptizing me.

Lucas and Shelby Littleton, The Gulf Coast Campus

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